1. March 2025: Welcome, Jae Hoon. We are excited to work with you!
1. December 2024: We are excited to announce that the lab was awarded an R01 to study alpha-synuclein in the enteric nervous system.
13. – 17. November 2024: Eseosa presents his work at the ABRCMS in Pittsburgh.
8. November 2024: Virginia presents at the BMRI Bed-to-benchside WIPS.
23./24. September 2024: Neuroscience Graduate Program Retreat at Interlaken Inn in Connecticut.
26. August 2024: We welcome Sarah to join the lab as a research technician!
2. July 2024: Welcome, Starr! To a fruitful rotation project.
1. July 2024: Welcome, Vivian! We are looking forward to exciting discoveries.
28. June 2024: Goodbye, Jill and Karlton. It has been a pleasure to work with you. We wish you all the best for medical school!
26. June 2024: Julita presents her work at the Appel WIPS.
17.June 2024: Welcome, Jackie – we are excited to work with you!
13. June 2024: Welcome, Anish! We are looking forward to beautiful disease-linked mutant modeling.
28. May 2024: Congratulations, Noah, on winning the 2024 Mitchell Alan Ross Prize for your dedication to epilepsy research!
22. May 2024: Our article on the gut-brain axis in Parkinson’s Disease is accepted in Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine! Congratulations to all authors.
22. May 2024: The first Appel Poster Symposium! Congrats, Luca, Eseosa, Karlton, Violetta and Julita, for outstanding posters!
21. May 2024: Jacqueline presents our exciting lab findings on alpha-synuclein function and dysfunction to the Translational Neuroscience community at Michigan State University.
4. March 2024: Welcome, Felipe! We are excited to have you in the lab!
10. January 2024: Noah receives a grant funded by Uplifting Athletes and the STXBP1 Foundation – congratulations!!! Read more here.
9. January 2024: Congratulations to Noah and all co-authors for putting together a wonderful story (Disease-linked mutations in Munc18-1 deplete synaptic Doc2) that was accepted in Brain today.
22. December 2023: Congratulations, Eseosa, for being accepted into Weill Cornell Medicine’s first post-baccalaureate research education program to enhance diversity in biomedical research, the ASPiRE postbaccalaureate program, administered through the NIGMS R25 PREP funding program.
15. December 2023: Welcome, Violetta! We are excited to have you on board!
9. November 2023: Appel members present posters during the 2023 Appel Symposium.
2. October 2023: Welcome, Citlalli – we are excited to have you join the lab as rotation student!
25. September 2023: Virginia gives an interview after her presentation at the 2023 ANA Meeting.
19. September 2023: Congratulations, Virginia, for receiving the Emerging Scholar Award for the 2023 ANA Annual Meeting.
14. September 2023: Jacqueline presents at the University of Connecticut Neuroscience Seminar series on our Munc18-1 projects.
22. August 2023: Welcome, Julita! Julita joins the lab as postdoctoral fellow.
05. August 2023: Thank you, Zyrai, for a great time in the lab!
31. July 2023: Welcome to the lab, Tenzin and Valentine! We are excited to host you for your summer internship.
20. June 2023: Welcome, Luca! Luca is joining the team as technician.
20. June 2023: Virginia receives a Travel Award for the 148th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association (September 9-12 in Philadelphia, PA) to present her work on alpha-synuclein in the gut. Congrats!
12. June 2023: Jillian is joing the team as technician – welcome!
12. June 2023: Eseosa is joing the lab as technician – welcome!
7. June 2023: Noah presents his work at the Appel Forum WIPS.
5. June 2023: Zyrai Lisse, sophomore at Fordham University, is spending her summer as BMRI Summer Research Scholar in the lab. Congrats & welcome!
5. June 2023: Karlton is joining the team – welcome!
4. June 2023: Jacqueline presents the lab’s work on alpha-synuclein at the II. Neurodegeneration Diseases Symposium hosted by the Neurodegenerative Disease Association (Ankara, Turkey)
26. May 2023: Virginia receives an International Congress Travel Grant Award to participate in the International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders (August 27 – 31 in Copenhagen, Denmark) to present her work on alpha-synuclein in the gut. Congrats!
24. May 2023: Jack presents his work at the Appel Forum WIPS.
16. May 2023: Shrey presents his work in the lab at his school for the Collegiate Science and Engineering Research Program.
16. May 2023: Ari presents his work at the Neurology Resident Research Symposium.
16. May 2023: Noah presents his work at the first European STXBP1 Summit and Research Roundtable.
10. May 2023: Aniv presents at the Appel Forum WIPS.
1. May 2023: Lauren has defended her thesis today – congratulations, Dr. Komer!!!
1. February 2023: Lauren presents at the Appel Forum WIPS.
21. January 2023: Jacqueline talks about the lab’s work on alpha-synuclein at the Winter Conference on Brain Research in Snowbird, Utah.
29. November 2022: Manu’s and Jacqueline’s review in TINS is accepted.
10. October 2022: Jacqueline presents on STXBP1/Munc18-1 at the Neuro Zoom Research Talks.
9. October 2022: Our review on the effects of alpha-synuclein on SNARE complexes has been accepted at JMB. Congrats to all co-authors!
3. October 2022: Congratulations, Noah! Noah has defended his thesis today :
I am proud to have graduated two students within a week 🙂
29. September 2022: Congratulations, Katie! Katie has defended her thesis today 🙂
19. September 2022: Jacqueline gives a talk at Roche (Basel, Switzerland) about the lab’s translational efforts on alpha-synuclein.
24. August 2022: Virginia receives a Jr. Investigator Travel Fellowship for attending “Planning for Prevention of Parkinson’s – A trial design forum”. Congrats!
22. August 2022: Congrats to the Sharma lab and all authors for a beautiful collaboration on lysosomal exocytosis of aggregated alpha-synuclein!
19. August 2022: Noah, Aniv and Jacqueline travel to Philadelphia to present out work on STXBP1 at the STXBP1 Summit.
18. July 2022: Manu Sharma and Jacqueline wrap up their editorial special issue with the article “Cellular and small animal models of neurodegenerative diseases” in JoVE.
8. July 2022: Jacqueline gives a plenary lecture at the ISCCB in Hamburg, Germany on the lab’s work on Munc18-1.
5. July 2022: Welcome, Katherine! Katherine Tsang joins the lab as rotation student.
27. June 2022: Welcome, Shrey! Shrey Jhalani joins the lab from Collegiate High School as volunteer for the next year to work on alpha-synuclein.
27. June 2022: Congrats, Virginia, Jack and Lauren. The review article “Functional and pathological effects of α-synuclein on synaptic SNARE complexes” in Journal of Molecular Biology has been accepted for publication as part of the special issue “Protein Membrane Interactions at the Synapse”.
16. June 2022: Virginia and Jacqueline, together with our clinical collaborators Dr. Andrea Lee, Dr. Alexander Shtilbans and Dr. Carl Crawford, receive a CTSC Pilot Award to study alpha-synuclein in the human gut.
15. June 2022: Lauren was awarded an NRSA F31 fellowships from NINDS to study the synaptic role of beta-synuclein. Congratulations!
06. June 2022: Welcome, Saad! Saad starts as research technician in the lab.
26. May 2022: Virginia presents a poster at the 4th Pan American Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Congress.
18. May 2022: Ari and Virginia present at the 8th Annual Neurology Resident Research Symposium.
17. May 2022: Aniv receives a postdoctoral fellowship from the American Epilepsy Society for her studies on STXBP1. Congratulations!
15. April 2022: Manu Sharma and Jacqueline receive an MPI RF1 on the impact of beta- and gamma-synucleins on alpha-synuclein’s synaptic function.
12. April 2022: Katie’s and Lauren’s study on the effects of beta- and gamma-synuclein on alpha-synuclein function is published in Cell Reports (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35417693/) – congrats!!!
12. April 2022: Lauren, Virginia and Jacqueline travel to Leuven, Belgium, to the Synuclein 2022 conference. Lauren presents a poster on her just published study “Synaptic vesicle binding of α-synuclein is modulated by β- and γ-synucleins” (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35417693/). Virginia gives a talk on “Early biochemical changes in alpha-synuclein in the central and enteric nervous system in Parkinson’s disease”. Jacqueline gives a plenary talk on function and dysfunction of alpha-synuclein – membranes matter!”.
6. April 2022: Jacqueline present to the WCM Department of Neurology, Division of Neurodegenerative Diseases on the lab’s translational alpha-synuclein work.
5. April 2022: Jacqueline presents at the WCM Neurodegeneration PI meeting about Synaptopathies in neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration.
2. April 2022: Virginia presents a poster at the AAN meeting in Seattle.
30. March 2022: Aniv and Jacqueline host the Children’s Health Council for an update on the lab’s translational work on STXBP1 encephalopathies and a lab tour. See also: https://give.weill.cornell.edu/childrens-health-council
24. February 2022: Jacqueline gives a guest lecture to students at Vanderbilt University about the lab’s translational work on Munc18-1/STXBP1.
23. February 2022: Jacqueline presents at the Motor Neuron Center at Columbia University on the lab’s studies on Munc18-1/STXBP1.
1. February 2022: Jacqueline receives funding from the MDBR Grant Program, The Orphan Disease Center, Penn Medicine for our translational studies of rescuing compounds on Munc18-1 stability in vivo in mouse models.
31. January 2022: Jack receives a Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research from NINDS for this studies on alpha-synuclein. Congratulations, Jack!
17. Dec 2021: Virginia receives a travel award to attend the 4th Pan American Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Congress. Congratulations, Virginia!
16. Dec 2021: Virginia receives a travel award (“Futures in Neurology Research scholarship”) to attend the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Neurology. Congratulations!
3. Dec 2021: Virginia receives a Research Scholarship from the American Academy of Neurology. Congrats!!!
18-19 Nov 2021: Jacqueline co-organizes the STXBP1 Roundtable 2021, and chairs the session for “Mechanisms of Disease”.
9. Nov 2021: Jacqueline presents at the 9th Appel Alzheimer’s Disease Research Institute Symposium.
26-27 Oct 2021: Intercampus Symposium on Aging and Neurodegeneration. Virginia presents on “Biochemical changes in alpha-synuclein in the central and enteric nervous system in Parkinson’s disease”, and Jacqueline presents on “Synucleins in aging and neurodegeneration”
23. Sept 2021: Virginia presents her work on alpha-synuclein mediated pathology in the CNS and ENS in Parkinson’s disease at the 2021 Postdoc research day.
19. Sept 2021: Jacqueline presents the lab’s work on small molecule therapies for STXBP1 encephalopathies at the 2021 STXBP1 Summit.
05. July 2021: Welcome, Ari! Ari starts as BMRI Research Fellow in the Burré lab.
21. June 2021: Welcome, Jack! Jack starts today as Research Technician I in the Burré lab.
16. June 2021: Debby present her work on Munc18-1/STXBP1-targeted pharmacological chaperones today at the Research in Progress Seminar Series of the Molecular Biophysics Training Program.
03. June 2021: Congratulations, Dr. Debby Abramov! Debby has defended her thesis today.
12. May 2021: Jacqueline present at the Presynaptic Dysfunction Symposium, hosted by the Journal of Neurochemistry.
06. May 2021: Virginia receives the McGraw Fellowship in Neurology Research. The McGraw Fellow is chosen based on high-quality, compassionate, and scholarly care for patients as well as the initiative to develop a research interest that has potential to benefit patients with neurological disease. Congrats, Virginia!
07. Apr 2021: Jacqueline receives the third R01 for her work with Dr. Jiajie Diao at the University of Cincinnati on understanding the role of VAMP2 in alpha-synuclein function and pathology.
05. Apr 2021: Congratulations, Virginia! Virginia got promoted to Chief Resident.
01. Apr 2021: Congratulations, Yoonmi! Yoonmi gets promoted to Research Associate for her outstanding and meticulous scientific work.
10. Mar 2021: Virginia presents her work “alpha-Synuclein in the central and enteric nervous systems in Parkinson’s disease” at the Appel Institute Forum on Neurodegeneration
23. Dec 2020: Virginia receives the Leon Levy Fellowship in Neuroscience. Congratulations!!!
17. Dec 2020: Debby’s paper is out. Read at https://www.embopress.org/doi/full/10.15252/emmm.202012354
04. Dec 2020: Katie presents her work “Function and Dysfunction of alpha-synucleins: Membranes Matter!” during the BMRI Work in Progress Seminar series
11. Nov 2020: Debby’s paper is accepted in EMBO Molecular Medicine. Congratulations!
04. Nov 2020: Jacqueline present the lab’s work on alpha-synuclein in a meeting of the Parkinson’s Disease Consortium at the Michael J. Fox Foundation.
06. Oct 2020: Congratulations, Aniv! Aniv receives the Osias and Taube Schlomiuk award for excellent PhD work.
05. Oct 2020: Jacqueline presents the lab’s work on Munc18-1 at the Biology Department Weekly Seminar at Boston University.
22. Sept 2020: Debby, Noah, Zach and Jacqueline – Team Weill Cornell – present the recent advances on research and pilot clinical trial for children with mutations in STXBP1 at the STXBP1 Awareness Month Webinar Series.
22. Sept 2020: Jacqueline presents the lab’s synuclein work at the Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Centre.
13. Sept 2020: Aniv receives the Hebrew University Scholarship for Female Postdocs. Congratulations!!!
01. Sept 2020: It’s STXBP1 Awareness Month! https://www.stxbp1disorders.org/events/september-is-stxbp1-disorders-awareness-month
12. Aug 2020: Virginia presents her work at the Sixth Annual Neurology Resident Research Symposium.
03. Aug 2020: Debby receives an NRSA F30 fellowship. Congrats!!!!!
27. Jul 2020: Lab meetings are still fun!
20. Jul 2020: Our pilot clinical trial on the biochemical characterization of Parkinson’s disease-related proteins in the enteric nervous system is launching! https://jcto.weill.cornell.edu/open_clinical_trials/biochemical-characterization-of-parkinsons-disease-related-proteins-in-the-enteric-nervous-system
01. Jul 2020: Welcome, Aniv! Aniv Brukner starts her postdoctoral fellowship today.
30. Jun 2020: Debby’s and Noah’s review article about STXBP1 encephalopathies is accepted in The Journal of Neurochemistry – hooray!
01. Jun 2020: Jacqueline receives NIH funding for our studies on alpha-synuclein.
15. Apr 2020: Jacqueline receives the BMRI 2019 Mentor of the Year Award. Thank you all – what a wonderful surprise!
14. Apr 2020: Congratulations, Lauren! Lauren has passed her ACE. Only a virtual cake because of COVID-19 shutdown 🙁
28. Feb 2020: Debby presents her work at the BMRI Work in Progress Seminar Series.
25. Feb 2020: Jacqueline presents to the Molecular & Cellular Biology Program at the University of Massachussettes Amherst.
12. Feb 2020: Debby presents her work at the Appel Institute Forum on Neurodegeneration.
10. Feb 2020: Our work with the Sharma lab is published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. Congratulations, Nima! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32042150/
21. Jun 2019: Noah, Debby and Jacqueline present at the first STXBP1 Investigators & Family Meeting in Philadelphia.
13. Sept 2019: Congratulations, Dr. Pineda! André defended his thesis today.
04. Aug 2019: Jacqueline is invited to present at the International Society for Neurochemistry Meeting in Montreal.
13. Jun 2019: Noah receives the Markey Graduate School of Medical Science Fellowship. Congratulations!
05. Apr 2019: Jacqueline presents her work to the Department of Neuroscience at Baylor College of Medicine.
20. Mar 2019: Jacqueline presents our work on Munc18-1 to the Biology Department at St. Johns University.
15. Jan 2019: Jacqueline receives funding from the Michael J. Fox Foundation.
13. Nov 2018: Welcome, Lauren! Lauren Komer starts her rotation in the Burré lab.
29. Oct 2018: Welcome, Nicole! Nicole Mollé starts her rotation in the lab
19. Oct 2018: Congrats, Debby, for passing your ACE!
02. Oct 2018: Jacqueline presents to the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program at the University of Arizona on our Munc18-1 studies.
28. Sept 2018: Noah’s & André’s paper is published in Nature Communications – congrats! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30266908/
06. Aug 2018: Welcome, Yoonmi! Yoonmi Na starts as research specialist. We are all very excited!
19. Jul 2018: Jacqueline and Virginia present to the Weill Cornell Internal Medicine Associates to recruit patients for their human studies.
02. Jul 2018: Welcome, Victoria! Victoria von Saucken joins the Burré lab as rotation student.
30. May 2018: Katie receives the Markey Graduate School of Medical Science Fellowship. Congratulations!
20. Apr 2018: Noah presents his work at the Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute Work in Progress Seminar Series. Awesome job, Noah!
18. Jan 2018: Noah presents his work at PINS.
19. Jul 2017: Congrats, Katie, for passing your ACE!
03. Jul 2017: Welcome, Debby! Debby Abramov starts her rotation today.
15. Feb 2017: Congrats, Noah, for passing your ACE!
26. Jan 2016: Our invited commentary is published in PNAS. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28126719/
20. Dec 2016: Jacqueline receives the Sanofi Innovation Award-
16. Nov 2016: Noah, André and Katie present their work at the 2016 SfN in San Diego.
05. Oct 2016: Jacqueline presents at the Appel Alzheimer’s Disease Research Institute Symposium on “Function and Dysfunction of alpha-synuclein – Membranes matter”.
From left to right: Dr. Iadecola, Dr. Holtzman, Dr. Haeberlein, Dr. Choi, Mr. Appel, Dr. Petsko, and Dr. Burré.
08. Jun 2016: Congrats, André, for passing your ACE!
23. May 2016: Jacqueline presents to the Scientific Advisory Board of the American Parkinson Disease Association.
06. May 2016: Jacqueline presents at the AbbVie Pharma Day.
21. Apr 2016: Noah presents his work at the du Vigneaud Research Symposium.
19. Apr 2016: Jacqueline presents at the Burke Medical Research Institute.
13. Mar 2016: Neuroscience Retreat at Ocean Grove.
Faculty roast, socks, and alpha-synuclein, and simple madness…
01. Feb 2016: Welcome, Katie! Kathryn Carnazza starts her rotation in the Burré lab.
17. Dec 2015: Departmental Holiday party at Hi-Life Restaurant & Lounge.
Food, drinks & fun.
04. Dec 2015: Jacqueline presents at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society in Philadelphia.
The committee was so excited about our work, that they selected our work not only for a poster presentation, but additionally for the Investigators’ Workshop poster session, highlighting the most outstanding abstracts on topics related to basic science and clinical research, and for a platform presentation talk.
24. Nov 2015: Thanksgiving potluck.
The 10th floor of the Belfer building celebrates.<
14. Oct 2015: John receives the 2015 Irene & Eric Simon Brain Research Foundation Fellowship at the 2015 Lunch & Learn Event in the Chrysler Building.
All five selected fellows present their summer research in presence of their mentors and foundation members:
· Dr. Bhatnagar & Jane Dobkin from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
· Dr. Burré & John Messinger from Weill Cornell Medical College
· Dr. Norris & Esther Putman from University of Kentucky
· Dr. Recio-Pinto & Jonathan Pun from NYUMC
· Dr. Serganov & Shivali Patel from NYUMC
01. Oct 2015: Jacqueline gives the Progress in Neuroscience Seminar.
21. Sept 2015: Welcome, Parinati! Parinati Kharel starts at Research Specialist.
14. Sept 2015: Welcome, Noah! Noah joins the Burré lab for his first rotation.
01. Sept 2015: Jacqueline receives a research grant from the American Parkinson Disease Association.
18. Aug 2015: Jacqueline talks at the Epilepsy Conference, Weill Cornell Medicine about “Synaptic dysfunction in infantile epileptic encephalopathies”.
27. Jul 2015: Welcome, André! André Pineda joins the Burré lab for a rotation.
30. Jun 2015: Jacqueline presents at the Parkinson’s Disease Gordon Research Conference. https://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=16890
26. Jun 2015: Jacquelines gives the BMRI seminar. “Synaptic dysfunction of Munc18-1 in infantile epileptic encephalopathies”.
07. Apr 2015: BMRI/Neuroscience Graduate Retreat in Ocean Grove.
Science plus other fun stuff.
01. Feb 2015: Jacqueline receives the Leon Levy Fellowship in Neuroscience.
01. Jan 2015: Jacqueline receives a grant from the American Epilepsy Society.
01. Sep 2014: Welcome, Zhao! Zhao joins the lab as postdoctoral fellow.
04. Aug 2014: Welcome, Jackie! Jackie Gottshall joins the lab as rotation student.
19. Jun 2014: Welcome, John! John Messinger joins the lab for a summer internship.
01. Feb 2014: The Burré lab is born 🙂